This is my desk area. My sister is making me new curtains to hide the spaces underneath the counter. I even found fabric at Joann's that is similar to Creative Teaching Press' Dots on Black!
This is the fabric I found. My sister is making me black curtains with dot fabric accents. She's making me curtains for my windows too. She's so nice!! :) She made me these curtains a couple years ago.
Close up of my desk area. My sweet dad fixed my fridge so the door opens to the right.
The pencil sharpener cord is making me a little crazy. I will have to move it! I plan on putting this sign in the blue picture frame.
The blue tape strips on the carpet have alphabet stickers on them so I can assign my students seats. Here is a better picture from last year. I use Black on Dots stickers for the consonants and Poppin' Patterns for the vowels.
I will use the board on the right to manage my language art's centers. I am doing a center's system similar to this. I will post more about my center's once the school year starts. I left enough space at the bottom of the center's board for my ELMO/tech cart. The paper bags have The First Day of School poem stapled to them. It's a 2nd grade survival kit. My very sweet mom put them together for me! :)
My OCD makes me a little crazy...those crooked desk look awful! :) Last year I zip tied them together. I will have to do this again!
It was taking me forever to put these numbers on my floor (I used two rulers at a time to make sure they were perfectly centered.), so my mom made me this awesome tool out of cardstock! She's so smart!! It saved me so much time! They're Poppin' Patterns calendar numbers. I used 1-22, and two blank ones to write "Line Leader" and "Door Holder." Here is a better picture of how I do line order numbers in my classroom. I used stars last year.
All of the stuff under the sink will not stay there. Just in case you were wondering what that clutter was. :)
I need to straighten my pocket chart and tape down my math facts chart. :\
The cabinet on the left has Whole Brain Teaching Rules on them. I LOVE these rules and my kids do too!
That's it for now! Like I said, I still have some things to straighten up here and there. I will update this post with better quality pictures when I get back from my vacation in a week! :)

Kelly, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your classroom!!!! I wish I was as organized as you and my class was as pretty as yours hehe. Good job!!