I think I finally found a supplies system that works (at least for this year)! The only supplies students have in their desk are their notebooks, journals, library books, and their school supplies box holding one pink eraser and one pencil. The rest of our supplies (crayons, colored pencils, markers, glues and scissors) are stored in these cubbies.
Each group of desks has an assigned color, and each desk in the group has an assigned a shape.
Every day I rotate the student in charge of getting and putting away supplies for their group. So if it's triangles day to be in charge, all triangles will get supplies needed for their table and put them away when they're done.
I may or may not have OCD, so I get a little crazy when organizing supplies. Each table has three cups of markers. Each cup has a different number on it, and all of the markers that belong to that cup have the same number all over the markers and their lids. This helps us keep up with markers that accidentally roll onto the floor. :)
Each table keeps their scissors and glue in their assigned pencil pouch. I used colored electrical tape for the cups and pencil pouches.
Each table also has two caddies. Each caddy has three boxes of crayons and one box of colored pencils. I got the idea from Miss Squirrel to use soap boxes. The soap boxes are 99 cents at Walmart. They will hold all 24 crayons, but I copied Miss Squirrel and only put the twelve main ones in the boxes. Now, I never have to worry about kids coloring with the "wrong" blue or purple and having a freak-out moment. This has happened a lot. :)
I keep other supplies on a shelf to the left of my cubbies. On top of the shelf I have my turn-in tray, and highlighters for students to highlight their name.
Notebook paper is stored in the green bucket, and next to that I have dictionaries and thesauruses. My mom had a genius idea to give each student a dictionary and thesaurus to keep once they can show how to use one correctly....I'll have to find a cheaper way to make this idea happen.
When a student finds one of our supplies on the floor, they place it in our super organized lost and found bucket. If a student is missing something, they can easily take what they need.
I like this system so far! Last week was only week three, but I have high hopes! :)
And now for the photo dump...
First of all, I have to show off these amazing curtains my sister made me!! I found the dots fabric at Joann's. It's funny how similar the pattern is to CTP's Dots on Black collection. I LOVE my curtains. My sister did such a great job! I'm trying to talk her into starting an Etsy account. She makes really cute purses, everyday bags, diaper bags, clutches, and wallets too.
Look at these fancy ruffles!!!
That's it for now! My next post will be about my language arts centers. Check back soon to see how I organize and manage them!